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Short Demo

Early Alerts for Student Wellbeing

The importance of tracking student retention, engagement, and well-being and taking timely action has never been more critical. 

In this short video we explain how SEAtS helps institutions:

✅ Reduce drop out rates by identifying at-risk students before it's too late!

✅ Improve student outcomes and experience through live actionable engagement and wellbeing analytics

✅ Simplify and streamline reporting for staff and leadership teams with live dashboards and ready-to-go reports

Related links:

Success Story

Roehampton University, London



Discover how Roehampton University in London effectively records student attendance data and implements critical early interventions for students facing challenges.

Download brochure

Student Wellbeing


Datasheet wellbeing

Explore the benefits that student attendance and engagement data can offer in providing wellbeing indicators. Receive automatic alerts for at-risk students and support them in achieving success.

Want to Learn More about SEAtS Early Alerts System?

Get a Demo Today!